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on April 19, 2006 at 12:14:21 am




a la creme



Tea and Cake

with Friends

ceylon and jasmine tea

My bestest best friends came over and spent half a day at my house. We had some sort of "Egg Surprise" care of my aunt for lunch, and then headed out to this local patisserie not far from home for some cake and girl talk. I'm afraid the restaurant wasn't really all that it was cut out to be. Perhaps I was just a bit stressed (or mentally stretched) from the sugar high (always bad for me, and I've a small but growing fear that I'm turning diabetic), but the ambience turned out all wrong. Not to mention the cakes were too sweet, the tea was overpriced and the service kinda stunk. (Hmph...) But all in all, twas still a good day, because I spent it with my dearest friends.

chocolate sweet overkill

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