

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 10 months ago

So You Uploaded A Document...Now What?

A Guide for Dummies


A Very Basic Guide to Uploaded Files and What You Can Do with Them In Your Wiki


Foreword aka Advanced Warning

This isn't a presumptuous guide. I am not its Omnipotent and Cool Author. (Much as I want to be Omnipotent and Cool, I'm not. Heh.) As the title indicates, this guide was written with dummies in mind (not mannequins, you idiot!), by its dummy-of-an-author abernaith. It's so that superior intellect-types--that is, people with bigger and rather more evolved brain mass--will have no problem understanding the content. Tis not made to insult dummies, or mannequins, for that matter.



Step 1: Uploading Your File


So you won't have to strain your eyeballs reading boring, black-and-white text instructions, go here to watch:


PBwiki Video Tutorials: Upload Files/Pictures


There's an Upload Files/Pictures Tutorial for PBwikians, on video! (Ain't that cool?)


This way, I don't have to git off mah lazy ass to write you a tutorial of mah own about it. THANK YOO, JIM!


Step 2: Put Your File On Your Wiki


So now you've got the file in question stashed in your Upload Page. Usually, the very next thing that people do after this momentous event is ask one of the most popular and prized of questions that Mankind had, has, and ever will ask:


Uh...so now what?


Well, the chief reason (or so I believe) of uploading files to any storage space in the Net is because people want to use these files in their webpages, blogs, or perhaps an undisclosed, Top Secret, Class-A F.Y.E.O. ftp address. Am I right? From this, we can deduce, my dear Mr. Watson, that files uploaded to a PBwiki..er, wiki are









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